Friday, June 29, 2007

The Manolo is recruiting.

So the Manolo has posted a help-wanted for new bloggers to run his next blog, Manolo for the Big Girl and I'm thinking of applying.

I've missed professional blogging since my gig at the newpaper ended, I've got a strong and popular voice. Our main competish, The Austin Chronicle wrote that "Rhiannon [Lastname]'s refreshingly snarky "Miss Adventure," [is] regularly featured in the weekly entertainment insert XL, often providing the liveliest element of a section that frequently reads like a poorly researched Zagat guide." and Jen Lancaster, author of "Bitter is the New Black" wrote on her old blog she wished she wrote like I did.

Then there's the fashion stuff. I've got a great eye. True I'm not always crazy on big trends but that's because there's just not enough restrain and discipline of line in the current plus-size world for my taste, and that, second only to confidence, is what we larger than life gal needs more than anything.

What do y'all think?


Blogger hip2b said...

Apply. Yes!

1:49 PM  
Blogger Diane M. Roth said...

Go for it!

4:17 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I dunno 'bout "snarky" as that implies grumphood.
I will say that your style is as refreshing as Sparking Citrus Surprise.

Oh, and I like your writing, too.


4:56 PM  
Blogger StyleSpy said...

You go, girl. ::snapsnapsnap::

(Seriously. You'd be great.)

9:33 PM  

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