Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Easter Card from a Hooker

First of all, did anyone get the Tom Waits joke? I have problems judging my audience in this blog. Y'all like Tom Waits, right? If not, more for me. I'm sure he'd be an excellent clergy spouse. Rroowr. ANYWAY.

Once or twice a year I toss around with the idea of wearing nail polish on my fingers. I rarely wear the stuff because my fingernails are nice and strong, plus I'm a fundamentally cheap and clumsy person, so I hate the idea of paying 15 dollars for a manicure that will last anywhere between one and three hours before it begins to chip.

A few nights ago Walgreens offered two-for-one Rimmel products, so I bought two nailcolors, one was a light lavender, which despite being named Orgasm was interesting but demnure, and the other --Pillar Box-- was a bright red. I figured I'd use this on my toes for when I'm feeling, if you'll pardon the pun-- kicky, yet in a fit of pique I lacquered some on my fingernails this afternoon. Bad idea.

Sadly Pillar Box, which I foolishly thought would be pillar box-colored, was in reality a sort of hot fuchsia pink of the variety you'd most often find on hookers from the fine state of New Jersey.

This in itself wouldn't be so bad, but I am out of nail polish remover (used it to clean my toaster or something) and have to teach my Extended Discovery class at the church in two hours.

Off for an emergency mani!


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